Black-backed Jackal Bushbuck – Bushbuck Kid Cape Buffalo Chacma Baboon Civet Crocodile Dung Beetle Dwarf Mongoose Eland Elephant Giant Land Snail Giraffe Ground Squirrel Hippopotamus Hippo plus Grey Heron) Honey Badger Hyena Impala Kudu Leopard Lion Lion plus Black-backed Jackal Lioness Nyala Porcupine Rock Monitor Scrub Hare Serval Spring Hare Steenbuck Terrapin Tortoise Tsessebe Warthog Waterbuck Water Monitor White Rhinoceros Wild Dog Wildebeest Wildebeest Kids Zebra Related posts: Kruger National Park – 26th February to 18th March 2016 Trip report contains Bird & Wildlife Photos South Africa: Kruger National Park – 26th February to 18th March 2016 Kruger National Park – 26th February to 18th March 2016 South Africa: Kruger National Park – 18th February to 3rd March 2012